All functions |
Fitted method for flash objects |
Fitted method for flash fit objects |
Empirical Bayes matrix factorization |
Add "intercept" to a flash object |
Backfit a flash object |
Set timeout |
Calculate the difference in ELBO |
Calculate the maximum absolute difference in scaled loadings and factors |
Calculate the maximum absolute difference in scaled factors |
Calculate the maximum absolute difference in scaled loadings |
Construct an EBNM function |
Fix flash factors |
Initialize flash factors at specified values |
Remove factors from a flash object |
Reorder factors in a flash object |
Set flash factors to zero |
Unfix flash factors |
Extract a flash_fit object |
Greedily add factors to a flash object |
Initialize a flash factor |
Initialize a flash factor using IRLBA |
Initialize a flash factor using softImpute |
Initialize flash object |
Nullcheck flash factors |
Create bar plots of factors or loadings for a flash fit |
Create heatmap of factors or loadings for a flash fit |
Create histograms of factors or loadings for a flash fit |
Create scatter plots of factors or loadings for a flash fit |
Create a scree plot for a flash fit |
Create structure plot of factors or loadings for a flash fit |
Set convergence criterion and tolerance parameter |
Set timeout |
Set verbose output |
Update data in a flash object |
Display the current ELBO |
Display the difference in ELBO |
Display the maximum difference in scaled loadings and factors |
Display the maximum difference in scaled factors |
Display the maximum difference in scaled loadings |
GTEx data |
Colors for plotting GTEx data |
LDF method for flash and flash fit objects |
Plot method for flash objects |
Residuals method for flash objects |
Residuals method for flash fit objects |