Creates a heatmap of posterior means for factors \(f_{jk}\) or loadings \(\ell_{ik}\). Values are normalized so that the maximum absolute value for each factor \(f_{\cdot k}\) or set of loadings \(\ell_{\cdot k}\) is equal to 1 (see ldf.flash).

  order_by_pve = FALSE,
  kset = NULL,
  pm_which = c("factors", "loadings"),
  pm_subset = NULL,
  pm_groups = NULL,
  pm_colors = NULL,
  gap = 1,



An object inheriting from class flash.


If order_by_pve = TRUE, then factor/loadings pairs will be ordered according to proportion of variance explained, from highest to lowest. (By default, they are plotted in the same order as kset; or, if kset is NULL, then they are plotted in the same order as they are found in fl.)


A vector of integers specifying the factor/loadings pairs to be plotted. If order_by_pve = FALSE, then kset also specifies the order in which they are to be plotted.


Whether to plot loadings \(L\) or factors \(F\).


A vector of row indices \(i\) or column indices \(j\) (depending on the argument to pm_which) specifying which values \(\ell_{i \cdot}\) or \(f_{j \cdot}\) are to be shown. If the dataset has row or column names, then names rather than indices may be specified. If pm_subset = NULL, then all values will be plotted.


A vector specifying the group to which each row of the data \(y_{i \cdot}\) or column \(y_{\cdot j}\) belongs (groups may be numeric indices or strings). A group must be provided for each plotted row \(i\) or column \(j\), so that the length of pm_groups is exactly equal to the number of rows or columns in the full dataset or, if pm_subset is specified, in the subsetted dataset.


A character vector of length 1, 2, or 3 defining the diverging color gradient (low-mid-high) to be used by the heatmap. The midpoint is set at zero. If one or two colors are supplied, then the "mid" color will be set to white. If one color is supplied, then the "low" and "high" colors (used for, respectively, negative and positive posterior means) will be the same. If two are supplied, then the "low" color should be provided first, followed by the "high" color. If all three are supplied, then the "low" color should be provided first, followed by the "mid" color, followed by the "high" color provided. The default color gradient is darkblue for "low" (negative posterior means), white for "mid" (zero), and darkred for "high" (positive posterior means).


The horizontal spacing between groups. Ignored if pm_groups is not provided.


Additional parameters to be passed to structure_plot (which is primarily used to arrange the rows \(i\) or columns \(j\)).


A ggplot object.


By default, a 1-d embedding is used to arrange the rows \(i\) or columns \(j\) in a "smart" manner. This behavior can be overridden via argument loadings_order, which is passed to function structure_plot.